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Legal professionals and articling students

The Black Future Lawyers mentoring program fosters supportive connections between undergraduate Black students and Black lawyers. Participating students benefit from the mentors’ knowledge, wisdom, support, and experience.

BFL 2019 conference participants
Participants at the Black Future Lawyers 2019 conference

The program matches Black undergraduate students with Black lawyers in the Ontario legal community. We are recruiting very broadly--lawyer mentors do not need to be alumni of the University of Toronto Faculty of Law to participate.

Please note that we require BFL mentors to have at least received their Juris Doctorate and have one year of work experience, or currently be articling. We ask BFL mentors to commit to meeting their mentees, ideally in person, at a minimum of three times during the academic year (early fall to end of May).

Please answer the following questions. This will help us make the best match possible between you and a BFL student!


BFL Mentoring Form

Articling student
Law student
Combined program (e.g. JD/MBA)?
Please identify the top three areas of law that best describe your practice/experience. We will do our best to match you with a student who identified these areas as their top areas of interest.
Please identify the professional setting that best describes where/how you work(ed) most recently
In TOTAL, how many Mentees will you be willing to mentor from Sept-April inclusively?

Black Future Lawyers is committed to ensuring that our programming is accessible to and inclusive of talented students from all segments of society. This includes queer/LGBTQ+, newcomers, all socioeconomic backgrounds, and spiritual/religious traditions. We expect that all participants in the Black Future Lawyers program will contribute to supporting this mandate.

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